We finished the postal outport tour by stopping at Robin's house and picking up his Japanese exchange student. We finish the tour with some picts of Akaroa ending up in town for a late lunch at the fish and chip shop by the waterfront. After a good nosh of trans fats we bid each other adieu with the promise I will send the picts as soon as possible.
I am pretty tired the hopping in and out of the van all day has been draining. My last shot is a pair of gum boots parked by the door of the grocery store. I had seen this at the pub, if your boots are too dirty they are left at the door and you walk around in your sock feet. Kiwi's are such neat people they respect each other's property. I hike back to the hostel and collect my things. The bus picks me up outside Chez La Mer (the hostel). The driver is still wearing her annoyed look when she lectures me about returning to the bus on the right day. She was looking for me at the tourist booth, rigggght I'll bet she looked for about 30 seconds hah hah. I had a great time in Akaroa as the bus slips through town I leave behind memories of my bike rides, the postman, and of course my french amigo, I wonder where he is? The little french village has been replaced by rolling terraced hills that run down to fertile valleys. The sun is setting when I get back to Christchurch and Base X also known as party central. Hmmm the same young folks are still on the same computers as when I left two days ago.
I dive into a lamb curry and a beer at the hostel pub, heavenly and priced to sell at $12 for the pair. I set my alarm for the following morning as I have to catch the shuttle to the airport. It's cheaper to fly than to take the train or the ferry. I can't sleep so I head downstairs and Skype Dad at home I spend most of the time looking at the top of his head as he hasn't quite got the Skype thing mastered yet. It is amazing I can talk to anyone back home for free and it feels like we are in the same room. Cool. One of my upper molars tingles a bit, a warning of what is to come of course I pay it no heed and finally fall asleep. Good night.
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